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Shiki no Nagame


[School]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[Composed]Yaezaki Kengyō - Koto
Matsuura Kengyō - Shamisen

History (Tsuge Gen'ichi):

This piece Shiki no nagame ('View of the Four Seasons') was originally composed as a jiuta by the blind master of Kyoto, Matsuura, around the beginning of the nineteenth century. Later, Yaezaki Kengyo (1766?-1848) arranged it into an ensemble piece for the koto and shamisen. This is a typical tegoto-mono piece of the Kyoto style; having an extensive instrumental interlude or tegoto.

Poem (translated by Tsuge Gen'ichi)

Amid the scent of plum
The willows flutter-
In the spring breeze
We wander about
Viewing the blossoms of March.
Hovering, hovering,
The mists of evening...
In the meadows of spring,
Parsley and sagebrush
We pluck
How delightful!

Sunflowers in the village,
Rice sprouts on the paddy bank,
Show off their colors.
As we seek out
The flourishing young leaves,
Already we hear
The first song
Of the mountain warbler.
Once heard, yet
We cannot forget
Our parting with the flowers.
Of such things I will tell
When I get home.

The leaves change color,
The wild chrysanthemum blooms.
As autumn deepens.
The morning wind across the fields
Pierces our bodies that are frail as dew.
Lightly, lightly
Fall the rains of late autumn.
Even if we get wet,
How much fun it is
To see the leaves
Begin to turn red!

On the paths through winter fields,
Passers-by are scarce
And the grasses are withered.
The leaves fall
In the tree-killing winter wind-
Even the charcoal kiln's
Smoke blows cold.
In the falling snow,
The meadow paths, the mountain trails
Are clad in white-
What a joy
To behold!
Ume no nioi ni
yanagi mo nabiku
harukaze ni
momo no yayoi no
hana mite modoru
yurari yurari to
haru no nogake ni
seri yomogi
Sato no unohana
tanomo no sanae
iro miete
shigeru wakaba no
kage toi yukeba
hatsune no
hitokoe ni
hana no nagori mo
iezuto ni


Kusaba irozuki
nogiku mo sakite
aki fukami
nobe no asakaze
tsuyu mi ni shimite
chirari chirari to
yoshiya nurutomo
momijiba no
Nobe no kayoiji
hitome mo kusa mo
ochiba shigururu
kogarashi no kaze
mine no sumigama
kemuri mo samuku
furu yuki ni
noji mo yamaji mo
shirotae ni

Shiki no Nagame appears on the following albums

Album Artist

Koten Sōkyoku no Shinzui Volume 2 Koto : Ōta Hisako
Shamisen : Ōta Satoko
Play ButtonAbe Keiko - 03 Koto : Nakanoshima Kin'ichi
Shamisen : Abe Keiko
Shamisen : Fujii Kunie

Abe Keiko Record Set - 05 Koto : Nakanoshima Kin'ichi
Voice : Abe Keiko
Shamisen : Abe Keiko
Shamisen : Fujii Kunie

Dream Picture Shakuhachi : Gunnar Jinmei Linder
Play ButtonFujii Kunie Sokyoku Jiuta No Sekai 2 Shakuhachi : Araki Kodō V

Hōgaku Taikei Vol. 4 - Sōkyoku - Shakuhachi 2 (LP 1) Voice : Nakanoshima Kin'ichi
Koto : Nakanoshima Kin'ichi
Voice : Tomiyama Seikin I
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin I

Hozumi Tsurezure Volume 2 Shamisen : Yamaguchi Hozumi
Koto : Ōtani Tosumi
Koto : Kimura Chizumi
Shakuhachi : Takemura Komei

Ikuta Ryu Sokyoku Senshu Volume 01 (下) Koto : Miyagi Kiyoko
Shakuhachi : Yamaguchi Gorō
Shamisen : Yazaki Akiko
Voice : Miyagi Kazue

Ikuta-Ryū Sōkyoku - Shiki no Nagame/ Sode Kōro/ Sono no Aki Shakuhachi : Aoki Reibo II
Voice : Matsuo Keiko
Koto : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Mori Yūji
Play ButtonMusic of Japan, The - Vol I Shakuhachi : Aoki Reibo II

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 19(続三曲合奏大全集19) Voice : Nishigata Akiko
Koto : Nishigata Akiko
Voice : Nishigata Mikei
Shamisen : Nishigata Mikei
Shakuhachi : Fujii Jido
Voice : Kawamura Kyōko
Koto : Kawamura Kyōko

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 14 (三曲合奏大全集14) Shakuhachi : Aoki Reibo II
Voice : Yonekawa Toshiko II
Koto : Yonekawa Toshiko II
Voice : Satō Chikaki
Shamisen : Satō Chikaki

Sasagawa Shizue no Shigei Vol. 3 Shamisen : Sasagawa Shizue
Koto : Suzuki Kazuko

Seiha Hogakkai Play Favorites 02 - Matsuura Kengyo Voice : Shiho Masae
Koto : Nakashima Yasuko
Shamisen : Miyake Utamichi
Shakuhachi : Yamamoto Hōzan

Sōkyoku (Ikuta-Ryū) - Koten no Shirabe volume 2 Shakuhachi : Aoki Reibo II
Voice : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Matsuo Keiko
Koto : Matsuo Kazuko

Sōkyoku - Koten Meikyoku Sen - Chidori no Kyoku/ Miyama Jishi/ Midare/ Shiki no Voice : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Matsuo Keiko
Koto : Matsuo Kazuko

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 27 Voice : Imai Keishō
Koto : Imai Keishō
Voice : Tomizaki Shunshō
Shamisen : Tomizaki Shunshō