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迎春花 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonFascination of the Koto 1 箏 : 二代米川敏子
A song welcoming spring. No. 16. Composed in 1946, just after World War II. A Japanese children's song "Spring has come" is quoted as if it symbolized the new liberated time. The music is full of the inventiveness and creativity typical of the composer. Contrasts between duble and trible meters, between thickness and thinness of sound as well as the use of modulations give this pice vividness. - Notes by TOKUMURA Yoshihiko
Play ButtonShakuhachi - Hamabe No Uta 尺八 : 三橋 貴風
尺八 : 田嶋 直士
尺八 : 福田 輝久
尺八 : 藤崎 重康