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Haru no Kyoku


[作曲様式]Meiji Shinkyoku
[流派]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[対象楽器]吉沢 検校 - 箏

発祥 (柘植 元一):

Haru no kyoku ('Ode to Spring') is one of a set of pieces originally composed for voice and koto called Kokin no kumi which consists of five pieces: four odes to the seasons, and Chidori no kyoku ('Song of Plovers'). All the six waka poems sung in this piece are taken from the Books One and Two (Songs of Spring) of the Kokin waka shu.

The long instrumental interlude tegoto, inserted between the fourth and fifth waka, was not originally composed by Yoshizawa, but added later by Matsuzaka Shun'ei (1854-1920) of Kyoto.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

If the bush warbler
Did not sing
From the valleys,
Who would know
The coming of spring?

Though deep in the mountains
Snow still covers the pines,
In the capital
People gather young shoots
From the fields!

If the cherry blossom were not known
To our world,
Perhaps our hearts would be
Peaceful at spring time.

On horseback
We go to the old capital
At Nara;
See how the blossoms are scattered
Whiter and deeper than snow!

Will only passing strangers
Glance back and see
The wisteria in bloom,
Billowing in waves
On my cottage?

Sing, warbler, sing!
Never cease your song!
For spring
Comes only
Once a year.

Uguisu no
tani yori izuru
koe nakuba
haru kuru koto wo
tare ka shiramashi

Miyama ni wa
matsu no uki dani
kienaku ni
miyako wa nobe no
wakana tsumikeri

Yononaka ni
taete sakura no
haru no kokoro wa

Koma nabete
iza miniyukan
furusato wa
yuki to nomi koso
hana wa chirurame


Waga yado ni
sakeru fujinami
sugigate ni nomi
kito no miruran

Koe taezu
nakeya uguisu
hitotose ni
futatabi to dani
kubeki haru ka wa

春の曲 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonFascination of the Koto 4 歌 : 米川 敏子
箏 : 米川 敏子
歌 : 佐藤 親貴
箏 : 佐藤 親貴
Composed by Yosizawa kengyo II (1801/08-1872). He composed numerous koto pieces using the tanka poems included in the Kokin waka syuu. This particular piece represents the progression from early spring to the end of spring. The composer invented the tuning specific to these pieces by adding semi-tone pregressions to an anhemitonic (without any half tone steps) tuning of the gagaku koto.
Play ButtonFujii Kunie Sokyoku Jiuta No Sekai 5

Fukami Satomi - Sokyoku Jiuta Shu - 2 箏 : 二代米川敏子
歌 : 深海さとみ
箏 : 深海さとみ
Play ButtonJapanese Music for Koto and Shakuhachi - 2 箏 : 初代 中村 双葉
箏 : 星田みよし

Koto Music of Japan, The 箏 : 萩原 正吟
箏 : 峰内吟彰
尺八 : 菊水湖風
Music of Spring (Haru-no-kyoku) composed by Yoshizawa Kengyo is one of the important works of the pseudo-classical movement which took place in the nineteenth century. This movement aimed to overcome the modern sentimentality and the concurrent subordination of koto music to shamisen music. The music of the four seasons, including Haru-no-kyoku, are the culmination of this movement.

Koto no Miryoku - Disk 2 箏 : 山内 喜美子
Play ButtonMasterpieces of the Koto 箏 : 沢井 忠夫

Miyagi Michio - Best One

Nakanoshima Kin'ichi no Koto - Yamada Ryū Sōkyoku 箏 : 中能島 欣一
尺八 : 納富治彦
歌 : 中能島 慶子
箏 : 品川 正三

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 12 (続三曲合奏大全集12) 尺八 : 森 故山
歌 : 今井勉
箏 : 今井勉

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 21 (三曲合奏大全集21) 箏 : 唯是 震一
歌 : 唯是雅枝
尺八 : 二世 池田 静山
箏 : 酒井雅楽友

Sō no Shiori (Ikuta Ryū) vol 9 歌 : 藤井 久仁江
箏 : 藤井 久仁江
歌 : 佐藤 親貴
箏 : 佐藤 親貴

Sōkyoku - Haru no Kyoku / Usu no Koe 箏 : 中能島 欣一
尺八 : 初世 納富 寿童
歌 : 中能島 慶子
箏 : 品川 正三

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 38 箏 : 中島 靖子
歌 : 唯是 震一
箏 : 唯是 震一