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Tassos Genpō Tataroglou


Tataroglou, Tassos Genpō
生まれ 1985 ca.

作曲 & 尺八

Tassos Genpō Tataroglou (玄峰) is a musician, composer, improviser and choir conductor, born in 1985 in Thessaloniki, Greece. He lives in Basel since 2013. He studied in Greece at the schools of Musicology and Pedagogy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as classical trumpet, modern singing and music theory. Postgraduate studies in contemporary improvisation with Fred Frith and Alfred Zimmerlin at the Music Academy of Basel. Further studies in Choir conducting at the Music Academy of Basel as well as Shakuhachi studies with Seian Genshin, 常泉 Josen, Marek Kimei Matvija and Ueli Fuyûru Derendinger. In June 2024 he received the name Genpō 玄峰 from Seian Genshin, Kansu of Myoan-ji temple, meaning "Mysterious summit".

In 2017 he designed the Microtone – Duplex trumpet, which is the result of a combination of different construction techniques for brass instruments from the Renaissance up to the 20th century. With the Microtone-Duplex trumpet, Tassos has significantly expanded the trumpet’s tonal and timbral palette, as well as its possibilities in the field of electroacoustic music. His research in the field of manipulation of feedback loops through the trumpet and electronic pedal effects let him create a unique way of performing the trumpet both as a musical instrument as well as a controller of a synthesizer simultaneously.

He is a member of Insub Meta Orchestra (Geneva) & Unorthodox Jukebox Orchestra (Basel). He has performed across Europe and Russia and collaborated with leading figures in contemporary music as a solo and ensemble musician.

He has composed music for theater and film, as well as ensemble and solo music.

In June 2023 he presented his Tsuru no Sugomori - Renpoken with the Microtone – Duplex trumpet at the opening concert of the International Shakuhachi Festival of Prague.

Tassos has recorded four personal albums and he has numerous other contributions. His book with the adaptation of Tsuru no Sugomori – Renpoken in western staff notation, as well as his interpretation on the trumpet was appreciated by leading shakuhachi experts from all over the world as well as from academic institutions.
